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Nov 3, 2009

Rowan of the Wood story and all about the Hag Goddess

This is the Samhain Holiday Special featuring 6 wonderful pieces of music, a fantastic section of the Celtic novel for Young Adults, "Rowan of the Wood" and an in-depth study on the Celtic Hag Goddess, the Cailleach. We are also very proud to bring you a...

Sep 28, 2009

Arthurian Special - The Ladies of the Grail

This is the Autumn Equinox Holiday Special, and we're also bringing you (in association with Druidcast and Damh the Bard), a special Lecture by Prof. Dr. Roland Rotherham on "The Ladies of the Grail". Dr Rotherham is an acknowledged expert and scholar in the legends of King...

Sep 18, 2009

Celtic Lughnasadh and another story from our Scottish Shanachie, Duncan

We've been away for nearly 6 weeks now. Unbelievably, with all of the ups and downs that life throws at you, we're still here! We're back - and to make up for our absence we bring you the biggest Celtic Myth Podshow Special ever - again!! It's just...

Jul 25, 2009

Saga of Manannan, Part 3 and end of the Irish Mythological Cycle

This is the third and final part in the Saga of Manannan which contains two stories. The first, the Tale of Laogaire, tells of a visit of a great warrior to the Realm of the Undying who given the chance refuses to return to Erin. The second tale, the Tale...

Jul 12, 2009

Four Tales about Manannan and the Many-Coloured Land

This collection of four tales forms the middle section of the Saga of Manannan. Here we learn more of the nature of the Realm of the Ever-Living - Manannan's Kingdom - The Many-Coloured Land. Mortals may venture there (when given guidance) or be summoned there by the...